Question: 1 / 475

Under which circumstance may an amateur station transmit without identifying itself?

During a public event

When operating a repeaters

When transmitting signals to control a model craft

An amateur station may transmit without identifying itself when transmitting signals to control a model craft. This situation falls under a specific exemption outlined in the regulations that govern amateur radio operations. When controlling a model craft, the primary function is to operate the craft rather than to communicate with other operators.

In this case, the regulation allows such transmissions to be conducted without the requirement for the operator to identify themselves, acknowledging that the primary purpose of the transmission is not for conversation but for control purposes. This means that the essential function of the transmission is to ensure the operation of the model craft, and therefore, the identification requirement is relaxed under these circumstances.

Other situations, such as during a public event or while conducting a radio experiment, typically still adhere to the identification requirements for amateur stations. Likewise, when operating a repeater, stations are expected to identify to provide clarity in communication among users.

While conducting a radio experiment


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